Begin Your Registration Here
This registration area is for authorized school personnel to register participants in courses and membership offerings. Registration here is NOT for individuals paying by credit card. By completing a school purchase registration you are authorizing your school/district to complete all the steps necessary including providing your necessary documents, PO numbers and authorized payment responsible person information. Please continue by reading the Registration Directions. If your funds are NOT YET approved please do not proceed. We will allow a late registration once your funds are approved. If you are in a State that requires vendor approval and does NOT have Mathematically Minded LLC approved as a vendor DO NOT proceed. Our invoicing system is for approved funds. Payment is expected within 30 days or accounts will be suspended. Authorization paperwork must be completed prior to placing a registration.
Participant Information
ALL the “tech” behind registration utilizes the participants email address. Please be accurate when you type the email address. If a participant has taken a course previously you MUST use the same email address to connect current account information to new account information. Many teachers have registered with us using multiple email address. Make sure you are registering the correct participant email. (Double check your spelling).
School Purchase Payments
After your registration is complete a Build Math Minds invoice will be generated. You will have 4 choices when you register.
- you are attaching the Purchase Order,
- a Purchase Order is not needed,
- a Invoice is needed first,
- or you are creating a “Pending” registration where a PO will be sent when available.
Once a BMM Invoice is finalized your payment options include pay by check or credit card. The email address entered in this registration process is the email address the Invoice is sent to. Please double check your email spelling. ***IMPORTANT Our invoice generation is automatic. The invoice is sent to the email address you enter. We do not review PO details and determine who the invoice should be emailed to. Delay in invoice payment will result in course/membership suspension.